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微信btc9767, 微信btc9767 假如有两个线程,都需要申请锁m1、m2,并且都执行以下操作时,请问哪种操作可能带来死锁 区块链毕设网qklbishe.com为您提供问题的解答 假如有两个线程,都需要申请锁...
qklbishe 英译中 提示:请归纳以下文章的核心内容进行翻译。这部分主要考察英文的理解能力和一些专业名词,无须逐字逐句翻译,达意即可。 Epidemic unlikely to batter China’s economy: economist The innate resilience of the Chinese economy as well as the use of counter-cyclical adjustments will help the country maintain stable growth despite the novel coronavirus outbreak, said Lian Ping, chief economist at the Bank of Communications. The outbreak may exert a short-lived downward pressure on consumption and investment, but won’t change the country’s sound economic fundamentals, Lian told Xinhua in an interview. In 2019, the Chinese economy was generally stable with upbeat signs in manufacturing, retailing, foreign trade and financing, boding stable growth in the long term, said Lian. While the epidemic put a damper on industries like tourism, catering and entertainment, fast growth has been registered in burgeoning sectors such as online shopping, working, learning training and healthcare services, he said. Lian also noted that consumption will see a rebound once the outbreak ends and pent-up demands unleash, benefiting the tertiary industry. Besides, the country has sufficient policy room to keep growth stable, he said. The Ministry of Finance has so far allocated 1.85 trillion yuan (about 264.2 billion U.S dollars)worth of new local government bonds ahead of schedule this year to shore up the economy. The central bank injected a forecast-beating 1.7 trillion yuan through reverse repos into the market in the first two days after the Spring Festival holiday, demonstrating its determination to stabilize market expectations and boost market confidence. Lian suggested the country strengthen proactive fiscal policy and keep sufficient liquidity to help small- and micro-enterprises tide over the difficult period. Meanwhile, targeted financial support and lower interest rates are needed to ease the burden on the real economy, he said. "Pessimism over the epidemic’s impact on China’s long-term growth doesn’t hold water, " Lian said. 区块链毕设网qklbishe.com为您提供问题的解答 英译中 提示:请归纳以下文章...