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8ftbysy3q97k5dxsby 翻译 The QorIQ® LS1043A processor is NXP’s first quad-core, 64-bit Arm®-based processor for embedded networking. The LS1023A (two core version) and the LS1043A (four core version) deliver greater than 10 Gbps of performance in a flexible I/O package supporting fanless designs. This SoC is a purpose-built solution for small-form-factor networking and industrial applications with BOM optimizations for economic low layer PCB, lower cost power supply and single clock design. The new 0.9V versions of the LS1043A and LS1023A deliver addition power savings for applications such as Wireless LAN and to Power over Ethernet systems. The new 23×23 package options allow for pin compatible design which enables scaling to the LS1046A (quad A72 processor) or LS1088A (octal A53 core processor) 区块链毕设网qklbishe.com为您提供问题的解答 翻译 The QorIQ&r...